Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Does every pool have a heater? if not, what do you check to see if there is one or not?

I have a pool in my town house and im not sure if it has a heater, what should i go looking for to see if there is a heater or not, and if there is a heater, how do I turn it on?Does every pool have a heater? if not, what do you check to see if there is one or not?Actually there are a number of different options for heating pools... gas heaters, electric heat pumps, roof-mounted solar panels, and solar covers. I've owned all at one time or another except a heat pump.

If you had solar panels they'd be pretty obvious... there would be large black plastic panels on your roof (or yard) with large diameter pvc pipes running to them. The panels are turned on/off by changing the position of a 3-way valve. The valve is normally controlled by a small computer that looks like a lawn sprinkler timer. You can configure it a number of different ways. If this is what you have, I recommend contacting a specialist at a pool supply store (like Leslie's) to get an owner's manual for your system.

Older gas heaters look kinda like a home furnace. Newer ones look... well, here's a link to show you what they look like:

The newer heaters have control panels mounted to them. The older ones were normally controlled by a thermostat and a remote on/off switch. There should also be a gas shutoff valve and a pilot light which has probably been turned off.

Heat pumps are electric and look like an air conditioner condenser (the thing that sits on the ground outside your house with the big fan in the top of it). They are relatively new and all have control panels mounted on them, Here's a picture of one:

Solar covers are... well, pretty self explanatory. They're a plastic cover you spread over your pool which allows sunlight to heat the water (radiant heat) but does not allow the air outside to cool the water (convection/evaporation). Believe it or not, they work pretty good with zero operating cost.

With the exception of solar covers, every heating system requires the filter pump to be running in order to heat. Be sure to start the filter pump before you try starting your heater (if you have a heater).

If you have a gas heater, I recommend you call the gas company and ask for a free leak inspection (you don't want to blow yourself up). They will even turn on the gas and light the pilot for you if you request them to. It's a free service and your safety is definitely worth the time.Does every pool have a heater? if not, what do you check to see if there is one or not?No not all pools have heaters and if there is one there will be a switch somewhere for it. Most often there's a black box sticking out of the ground with a door and a switch inside.Does every pool have a heater? if not, what do you check to see if there is one or not?no they dontDoes every pool have a heater? if not, what do you check to see if there is one or not?Well, there is always the toe test, but if you want to find out if it is equipped with a heater, ask the pool maintenance person. Is the town house yours, or rented? If rented, you should be able to find out from the management company, if owned, check with the realtor.Does every pool have a heater? if not, what do you check to see if there is one or not?first of all you can't turn it on the manager can...try to go in the deep under water and if your ears feel weird then there is me on this one!
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  • How would you react if all people with light skin turned dark and people with dark skin turned light?

    Imagine waking up one morning to find your skin color has changed. How would you react if you learned that you had to live that way for the rest of your life? Please answer sincerely it's a legitimate question.How would you react if all people with light skin turned dark and people with dark skin turned light?Well, I'd definitely get an education on the anatomy of racial preferentiation. But then, I am living in Southern India, where there are very few white I understand what that's all about. People think that I am supporting my medical doctor husband, and the rumor around the village was that I financed the house. It is real, these misperceptions that people have about race. If they only knew that I grew up poor, milking goats on a Northern California rural property with wood stove for heating. Actually, I tell them and they don't believe me. They want to believe that I have a pool, a Caddilac, and a big house overlooking the ocean...dream on...but you bring about a very valid point. If people wore each other's shoes more often, we would be more informed and educated about the realities of our brothers and sisters. Thanks for the reminder. I deal with this every day...even though I am white...when my husband and I were traveling in Peru, they couldn't believe that a %26quot;black man%26quot; could actuall be a doctor?! Can you believe it? So our world needs more education.How would you react if all people with light skin turned dark and people with dark skin turned light?Wouldn't care. I'll still act the same way. My personality would not change. But assuming my hair color changed too, I'd have to color it lol. I like my hair.How would you react if all people with light skin turned dark and people with dark skin turned light?i'd freak out and call my dermatologist. other than that, nothing would change because i'm latina and we come in all colors so it wouldn't be like an identity crisis for me or anything.How would you react if all people with light skin turned dark and people with dark skin turned light?It would be a shock at first and I'd wonder if I was still dreaming. But, I'd realize it would be better to be darker since i wouldn't get sunburned anymore.How would you react if all people with light skin turned dark and people with dark skin turned light?Freak out. Possibly faint. See a doctor asap (though there'd be a hell of a line waiting!). And learn to live that way.

    If you mean to bring up racism, here, you're wasting my time on me. I'm not a racist, and I really don't care what colour I am, even if I were the socially least priviliged colour. Of course, however, if all black people turned white and all white people turned black, then the black majority in occident would become the new powerful race, and racism would still exist, only that against the white.

    Hey, after all, this turned out to be a very interesting question to prove that racism is in your mind, not in your skin. Good for you!How would you react if all people with light skin turned dark and people with dark skin turned light?I used to wonder what I would look like if I was African / African - American, Asiatic, Latino, Semitic / Arabic, Australian Aborigine, Pacific islander, full Cherokee, whatever. I am open to other people of other nationalities %26amp; ethnic groups after spending most of my child - %26amp; teen years in a neighborhood that was pretty much WASP. I don't think that I'd be TOO shocked - Maybe at 1st.

    Read the book %26quot; The Lathe of Heaven %26quot; by Ursula K. LeGuin.In it the protagonist, George Orr, had dreams that could affect the waking world. His psychotherapist, Dr. Haber, kept giving him suggestions to make his dreams turn the world into a semi -Utopia. One of them was to wipe out racial prejudice, %26amp; after he dreamed that into reality, everyone on earth had battleship - grey skins. Imagine what THAT would be like..... !! Read the book, %26amp; that chapter, for perspective.How would you react if all people with light skin turned dark and people with dark skin turned light?Dr. Suess wrote a childs book about this that is GREAT check it out:

    {{{%26quot;The Sneetches%26quot;

    At its simplest, %26quot;The Sneetches%26quot; is a story about yellow bird-like creatures called Sneetches. However its most important part is the lesson it teaches about racism.

    Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

    Some Sneetches have a green star on their belly, and in the beginning of the story the presence or absence of a star is the basis for discrimination. Sneetches who have stars on their bellies are part of the %26quot;in crowd%26quot;, while Sneetches without stars are shunned and excluded.

    In the story, a %26quot;fix-it-up%26quot; chap named McBean appears, driving a cart of strange machines. He offers the Sneetches without stars a chance to have them by going through his Star-On machine, for three dollars. The old star-bellied Sneetches are furious until McBean tells them about his Star-Off machine, costing ten dollars. This escalates, with the Sneetches running from one machine to the next,

    %26quot;until neither the Plain nor the Star-Bellies knew

    Whether this one was that one or that one was this one.

    Or which one was what one or what one was who.%26quot;

    This continues until the Sneetches have no more money and McBean leaves them. At the end of the story the Sneetches learn that neither plain-belly nor star-belly Sneetches are superior, and they are able to get along and become friends.

    The story is an obvious allegory for racism and discrimination, and teaches the lesson that all people are the same on the inside, despite outward differences. It can also be viewed as a satire on fashion following and keeping up with the Joneses.

    Geisel, a perfectionist and sensitive artist, almost scrapped the manuscript when he realized the story may wrongfully be taken as an allegory for anti-Semitism, and the stars on the birds' bellies might be taken as the six-cornered stars Jews were forced to wear in public under Hitler's rule in Nazi Germany. His publisher convinced him to go ahead with the book. Today it is one of his most well-known stories, and was even adapted for a twelve-minute animated short a few years later.

    %26quot;The Sneetches%26quot; is written in anapestic tetrameter, and ?as is typical for Seuss books ?follows the rhyme scheme and meter very strictly.%26quot;}}}

    Hi i want to start a african/malwi cichlid tank!i need some help and advise on how to set up. and choose fish1

    currently i ownma juwel 240 tank(4ft) currently running a normal tropical tank with the usually molies neons plec shaks etc!!

    anyway i want to change set up to some colouful cichlid and what do i hav e to add to make it a chichlid compatable tank??

    - change my gravel to sand?

    -what the juwel filteration?

    -add salt?how?

    -decorations /ocean rock etc??




    -hiding places like what?

    - plants?

    also which fish are better more colourful etc arfican cichlids or malawi and can i mix them together and recpmend me which to buy?

    plz don't just simply give me a link to a site plz explain too.

    help would be most appresiated

    thank you !!Hi i want to start a african/malwi cichlid tank!i need some help and advise on how to set up. and choose fish1I assume you have a 240 L tank since you say it is 4' long.

    There is no need to change your gravel to sand if you don't want to. I personally use pool filter sand in some of my tanks and gravel in others. It depends on whether the fish are large or small and whether or not they like to rearrange the place to suit themselves.

    My cichlids, all of them, do quite well in dechlorinated tap water that is not chemically adjusted to try and match their home water pH in Africa or South America. Very few of the fish for sale in the hobby today are %26quot;wild caught%26quot; fish that need extreme pH to survive. Wild caught fish are very expensive and not worth the trouble unless you are a commercial breeder looking to beef up your bloodlines.

    I have South Americans (they come from 6.5 pH water), West African riverine cichlids (their home water is also a low pH) and Rift Lake cichlids (they come from 7.8 up to 8.4 pH in the wild). All of mine are housed in tap water that is at 7.4 out of the faucet. No adjustments are made to the water, which saves me money and heartache.

    I acclimate my fish to my water very slowly, sometimes taking up to 3 hours as I add 1/4 to 1/2 cup of tank water to their bag water every 10-15 minutes so they are not shocked by the pH change when they are introduced to the tank. This eliminates any screwing around with pH, acidity and alkalinity later, that causes more problems than it helps.

    Bottom line for adjusting water parameters for the fish, don't bother. As long as you acclimate them properly, they will be fine.

    Some of the cichlid salts sold exclusively for cichlids are good to add periodically because they need certain trace elements needed by some cichlids that are just not in local tap or well waters.

    Do not use any rocks that react when you put a few drops of vinegar on them. They will change the properties of your water and may cause you problems down the road. I use sandstone, that I test with vinegar, to build the caves and rock formations in my tanks.

    Always have more caves and hideouts than you have fish. The dominant males will move from time to time and the displaced fish will need someplace to go when they are kicked out of their %26quot;place.%26quot;

    Unless you are planning to have the West African dwarf riverine cichlids, plants will be torn to shreds by almost all of the Rift Lake cichlids. Most SA's are not kind to plants either.

    Most cichlids are satisfied with a good high protein flake food, but if you get some large ones, you might want to get them some good quality pellets. Not too large, though. IMHO, large dry pellets can be the cause of Malawi Bloat which can be fatal. Only feed once a day and only what they will finish eating in 2-3 minutes. I also skip a day once a week which keeps them interested.

    Obviously, if you plan to breed them, you would feed different food and more often. Although, my fish spawn for me all the time with not too much coaxing. I currently have angelfish fry, albino and brown bushynose pleco fry, paleatus cory fry and blue pseudotropheus zebra fry growing out in different tanks.

    You ask which are more colorful, Africans or Malawi? Malawi cichlids are Africans, it is one of the Rift Lakes. You may have meant south American or African? Personally, I think the Africans are the prettiest and most varied in colors, patterns and behaviours.

    If I were you, I would start with some electric yellows, red or tangerine zebras, blue zebras and maybe some saulosi. Unless you plan to breed them, you should attempt to get all males as they will be much prettier than the females.

    Any good filter that cycles the water in your tank at least 8 times per hour will be fine for your tank. The gallons per hour (GPH) are usually printed on the box of the filter. For example, a 50 gallon tank should have a 400 GPH filter.

    Cichlids do not need a lot of light, they just need a day night cycle. I have flourescent shop lights hanging over my tanks that keep the plants growing on the tanks with plants (dwarf cichlids, tropicals and other creatures). Some of my tanks do not have lights, just the room light is enough for them.

    If you would like to talk further, email me, I love to talk about fish, cichlids in particular. More questions? I will help as much as I can.

    8Hi i want to start a african/malwi cichlid tank!i need some help and advise on how to set up. and choose fish1Here is everything about cichlids

    Hope these sites help you answere all the questions you may have

    Good luck

    EBHi i want to start a african/malwi cichlid tank!i need some help and advise on how to set up. and choose fish1This is a long answer to a lot of questions. Generally speaking, it's best to use a calcium-based sand or gravel for the bottom of the tank. This may help keep the chemistry in the proper range for these fish and will make them look better. I like using a thin layer, less than one inch, so that the aquarium is easier to clean. Filtration must be strong and efficient. Use your favorite kind of filter but make sure that it is rated for about double the actual size of your aquarium. Do not add regular salt or sea salt mix to your aquarium! If you are going to add supplements to increase pH and hardness, use products made for African cichlids. Follow the instructions on the bottle to create an ideal environment for the fish. Use rocks for decorations. Like the sand, it's often best to use a calcium or coral based rock for the same reasons. Plants will generally not survive in most cichlid tanks. The high pH prevents them from being able to survive. There are a few exceptions but most of the common cichlids at aquarium stores will rip these up. Artificial plants can be used but may not look as good as other decorations like rocks. As for which fish to buy, there are more than 2000 species of cichlids from the East African Lakes so it's almost impossible to answer that question. Pick out some that you like and then see what else might live with them.Hi i want to start a african/malwi cichlid tank!i need some help and advise on how to set up. and choose fish1I am not familiar with the juwel tank, but a couple of large canister filters should do the job. There are a ton of brands out there. Eheim, Hagen, Rena all make good canisters. If your tank is pre-drilled (has plumbing in the back), then get a sump. You don't have to get sand, but most cichlid keepers will get aragonite sand to keep the hardness high. You also need to decide what kinds of malawi cichlids you want to keep. Don't mix peacocks and haps with mbunas, you will eventually have issues with aggression. If you decide on mbunas, put a layer of styrofoam down first, then cover with sand. This will keep all the rock work that is necessary from damaging the bottom pane of glass. If you go with haps and peacocks, you can put in a few rocks and decorations, but these fish like to have areas to swim. With Mbunas, the more rocks the better. Salt is a good idea. All you need is rock salt, this can be purchased in an 80 lb. bag at Home Depot for less than $10. About 1/4 cup per 10 gallons should do the trick. Keep in mind that salt doesn't evaporate, so only add salt when you do a water change, and only replace what you took out. Try to stay away from ocean rock, it can cause abrasions. Smooth rock and slate work great. Go with a high quality food like New Life Spectrum. You will need to go to a high quality pet store to find it, but well worth it. Most cichlids don't like really bright light, and will actually fade out under intense lighting, so a single flurescent is perfect. Use the slate to create caves for the smaller fish to hide. You can use artificial plants, but Lake Malawi has very few plants, and the cichlids will quickly shred most live plants. I have tried java fern in a peacock tank, and java fern is not a plant that fish normally eat. The peacocks shredded it and there was nothing left in a matter of days. It is hard for me to tell you which type is better. To put it simply, most female mbunas have attractive coloration, all female peacocks are grey/brown and most female haps are lacking in color, with a few exceptions like the Venustus. Peacocks are much more expensive than mbunas or haps in most cases. So if you are poor, go with mbunas. Most haps get quite large, so if you go with them, keep their eventual size in mind. I have had good success mixing haps and peacocks in the past, and my 55 is currently a mix of all 3. I know I went against my own advice, and now I am regretting it. The male exasperatus is flexing his muscles and terrorizing all my peacocks and haps. I will probably have to trade him in or give him away. Good luck with what ever you decide to go with, and remember to rearrange your decorations each time you add new mbunas or the newbies will get an unkind welcome.Hi i want to start a african/malwi cichlid tank!i need some help and advise on how to set up. and choose fish1First and last rule of cichlids (or even Malawi cichlid): Never generalize or you will be wrong. If somebody tells you they're herivorous they're wrong - they range from fully herbivorous to fully carnivorous. If somebody tells you they're aggressive and kill everything, they're wrong. They range from mild to hostile, and on Labidochromis species less commonly found is as meek as any community fish. If you hear anything pertaining to cichlids in general assume it wrong and research the species that you have in mind.

    How to start a Malawi Tank.

    Step 1: Learn about the different fish you can get and the different methods of stocking the tank. I know you don't want links, but is all a cichlid keeper really needs, it's got a great forum and tons of reliable and indespensable information. Your choices are basically: haps/aulonocara (peacocks), small haps/aulonocara/mild mbuna, or more aggressive mbuna. Mbuna tend to do well in higher numbers and appreciate tons of rockwork. Haps prefer lower numbers and more moderate amounts of rockwork. Aulonocara fall somewhere in between. I tend to prefer mild mbuna and small haps because there tends to be less aggression issues and it can make for a nice mix. The important thing is to read up and learn what is compatable before buying fish, not after.

    Lots of filtration, they could care less about lighting - it's for you.

    Step 2: The water. Malawi is not as hard and alkaline as Tanganyika and in most cases you can use your tap water as-is. Any PH 7 or higher is fine, though 8 to 8.5 is ideal. These are fully fresh water fish and salt is not needed, though there are mixtures of salts that can help raise your PH, KH, and GH to desirable levels if you need it. There are store bought additives or a great (and cheap) recipe that does the job just as reliably (if not more) on that website. Don't add anything beyond water conditioner unless you know why you are doing it and what affect it will have.

    Fill a container with water and run an aerater in it for a few hours. Then measure the parameters and it will give you the most accurate reading of what your tap water is like.

    Step 3: Decorating. Hiding spots are a must, and rocks are the most natural and easiest way to do this. I use limestone in mine because it naturally helps keep the alkalinity and hardness up. You can use any rock that's safe including granite, lava rock, river rock, holy rock, slate... lots available. I go to a rock cutter who sells it for 5% of the cost of a fish store. How much rock depends on the fish you keep - with mbuna you can do a total rockscaping from end to end, while with haps you'll want it set up more sparse with more free swimming room. My current tank has has 180lbs of limestone, my last 120lbs of lava rock. I never used anything on the bottom because the tanks are built to handle the weight without ingenius human intervention - just make sure the bottom rocks are resting on the glass, not on the substrate, or the fish could dig and undermine them (while the glass can handle weight, any falling rock will shatter obviously shatter it).

    For substrate you can go with what you like, but if you want to encourage the natural behaviour of digging and sifting I recommend sand or a fine gravel. I use a simple playsand from Homedepot that works perfectly fro 4 bucks a bag in all my tanks and while since it doesn't grab and sink waste like gravel and there is more floating particulate in the water, it keeps the tank water pristine and low nitrate for the same reason.

    Step 4: Pre-plan the tank based on compatible species dependent on what you like and what is available to you (take some trips to the fish store without intention of buying to see what's available, but look on the web to see what they'll actually look like as adults). Most species should be kept in groups of at least one male to three females, while some are more aggressive and need even more females. A couple of species are mild enough that it doesn't really matter.

    Choose species that look different from each other and come from different genus, this helps keep aggression down. Make sure you know what the adult colors end up being, as some females remain dull in colour and this could disappoint the unwary. Also, keeping singles can work with more mild species, but with some a fish with none of its kind to interact with may end up harassing weaker species.

    My last Malawi tank (75 gallon):

    1 Aulonocara Maulana (male)

    2 Red Empress (male/female)

    6 Labidochromis Caeruleus (2m/4f)

    8 Pseudotropheus Acei (about half and half but not sure)

    6 Synodontis Multipunctatus

    My current Malawi tank (75 gallon)

    10 Labidochromis Caeruleus (some new)

    7 Pseudotropheus Demasoni (undetermined)

    6 Synodontis Multipunctatus (same ones, they'll be with me till they, or I, die)

    Unfortunately there is so much to know and we couldn't possibly cover it all. Go to that website and research with patience. Planning the tank with the anticipation of what will come should be an enjoyable experience and will ensure success for you and your fishes. I took a couple of months before making my final decision on my first cichlid tank and I'm glad I did. Good luck.

    How has telvision cartoons from the 60s changed, to present day?

    Can anyone give me a television cartoon that was popular in the 60-90s ? compared to a television cartoon that is popular during this time? How has the content of television cartoons changed? Either in a postive or negative wayHow has telvision cartoons from the 60s changed, to present day?Ha, easy, Lets take Tom and Jerry The old cartoons used to be funny hilarious, but as time went on and political correctness and small activist groups using the courts destroyed the cartoons because little tommy whacked little billy with a pool cue abd said they saw it on Tom and Jerry, well gosh! thats the cartoons fault right?? not the parents fault for not teaching the child not to hit others

    The new Tom and jerry cartoons or Tom and Jerry Kids are absolutely unfunny unwatchable and are just cute fluffy diatribes aimed at 2 year olds

    also Tom and jerry used a lot of gags that used ethnic sterotypes that were all done in good taste and funny but political correctness as warped peoples sensitivites so much that people get offended by pretty much anything and bring crippiling million dollar lawsuits against cartoon companys using organizations like the ACLU that have the deep pockets to bring them..

    This goes on today and popular cartoons lifespans are often cut short at the whim of these organizations Perfect examples are

    Samuri jack


    Invader Zim

    kids Cartoons today really can not be funny because by making a joke about anything or anyone or portraying anything or anyone in even the slightest negative light will offend someone somewhere and cause a lawsuit If you want to watch funny cartoons you have to watch at night

    Any violence needs to be carefully done, ever notice how most of todays cartoons bad guys are robots?How has telvision cartoons from the 60s changed, to present day?Pepe le Pew the skunk used to snort some stuff and then rape another skunk. or cat

    Bugs Bunny used to commit violent acts against the roadrunner ( for some reason I never wanted to drop a boulder on any of my friends, I guess I just had good parents)How has telvision cartoons from the 60s changed, to present day?Tom and Jerry were and maybe still are very popular and that's without having sexual innuendos every two seconds, groin kicking, vomiting, potty jokes and profanity. Cartoons have not changed for the better in the majority of cases.

    The artwork is juvenile or worse. The dialogue is lame and the plots are pitiful. I'm in my fifties and have given up on American cartoons. I watch anime, where at least the artwork is good and the storyline is worth watching.

    My pool has a hole in the liner, how do i find the hole?

    My 3 year old pool has a hole in the liner that i can't find...

    any suggestions?My pool has a hole in the liner, how do i find the hole?First off, you need to eliminate the possibility that there is a leak elsewhere, like out backwash line or if this is an inground pool, that the suction and return lines are ok. That's usually done by temporarily putting your winterizing plugs in the skimmer and returns and doing what's called a %26quot;bucket test%26quot;. Place a round ( no jagged edges weight) inside a bucket, place that bucket on the a step in the pool. Add water to the bucket until the level of the water inside the bucket appears the same as the pool water surrounding it as seen from the side. Let it sit for 24 hours. If the leak is in the liner, the pool water will drop below the level of the water in the bucket. If the leak is in the plumbing lines, there will be no change and both levels will remain the same. You use this method instead of marking the level of the pool water on the pool side because it won't matter if it rains or if pool water evaporates. Exactly the same thing will happen to the bucket water and at the same rate. If you've found that the leak is in the lines, you'll need to get a pro in to pressure test and locate the leak.

    If it's actually in the liner, there's only one tried and true method of finding it and that's to grab a mask and an old bottle of your Ph testing reagent and go hunting. Turn off your pool about 30 minutes prior to going in, so's the current doesn't disturb any dye you may use. The most common areas to check first are the deepend ( kids use pool poles to get toys off the bottom, sometimes they stab liners by not putting an implement on the end. Pool poles are sharp and will leave a smiley face shape gash). Next, look under ladder bumpers and around skimmer and return faceplates. They can crack. Use your pH reagent to squirt a bit of that phenol red at anything that looks suspicious. If you have built in stairs, use your dye around the stair strip. The liner can pull away there.

    One rare place that the pool can leak is through an electrical conduit for any pool light you have. Under some conditions ( unusually high pool water level and a poorly laid conduit) they can start a syphon effect. A squirt of dye inside the light niche will tell you for sure.

    Still nothing? Set up a search pattern and check the entire bottom, wall and seams. After that...not much else you can do other than call in a pro.My pool has a hole in the liner, how do i find the hole?carefully pour a bottle of coloured food colouring into the pool ( pour into the centre as far as possible).

    Watch the direction the water moves - the leak will pull the water towards it and the colouring will show which way the water is moving.

    Cant do this if its windy as wind will upset water flow - wait for a still calm day.

    How and why does climate change and how does the ocean participate in and respond to climate change?

    While a great deal is known about how and why climate changes, we do not currently have all the tools necessary to say exactly why it is changing at any particular time, nor to create useful computer models that explain the past along with the present, let alone to create computer models that could make useful predictions of the future. There is a lot that we still do not know, and still more factors are yet to be discovered.

    The current factors are:

    1) Natural cycles of ocean currents that tend to act on a short scale of a few months to a few decades. Anything less than a few months is a weather pattern. Anything greater than a few decades would require longer monitoring with good tools than has been available so far to discover. However, it can take a thousand years for water to complete a cycle , making its way around the globe. There is nothing to indicate that longer cycles are not possible.

    2) Continental Drift.

    3) Pole Reversal

    4) Change in solar output.

    5) Sun Spots: Do not confuse this theory with change in solar output. Sun spots have been correlated with global warming. Warmists assume that the only possible explanation for this is a greater solar output coinciding with sun spots. However, proponents of the theory do not claim to fully understand the mechanism. Generally, the most popular mechanism among the proponents is an increase in cosmic radiation affecting high altitude clouds, which has nothing to do with the infrared/visible/uv light spectrum that warmists use as their straw man to explain away this theory.

    6) High Altitude Dust:

    7) Greenhouse Gases:

    8) Geothermal energy

    9) Milankovitch cycles:

    10) The Iris Effect:

    11) The disappearance of glaciers

    12) The thinning of the atmosphere

    13) A change in the albedo:

    14) Still to be determined other causes

    The ocean has a number effects on climate change.

    1) The ocean is a great heat sink that provides momentum to the current climate state. It slows down changes, and provides stability in the climate.

    2) The ocean is the source of humidity and thus, precipitation and clouds. This affects cloud formation.

    3) The ocean is a sink for many minor gases that so much has been attributed to in terms of climate change lately. This includes CO2, SOx, NOx, H2S, halogens, and others. Some, such as CO2 are deposited on the bottom of the ocean and absorbed by the rocks at the bottom to become part of the earth's mantle and then be released by volcanoes eons later. Some, such as CO2 exist in a liquid state at temperatures and pressures found in the ocean, and have a heavier density than water. If, like CO2 they tend to form a separate layer, they can fall to the bottom of the ocean and form a layer on the bottom in pools there. The ocean sequesters them.

    The equilibrium between the ocean and the atmosphere is determined by the temperature and pressure mainly at the surface of the ocean. For some gases like CO2, not only does the ocean inorganically absorb it, but also biologically. The longevity of CO2 in the atmosphere is ~5 years.

    In theory, as if sea levels were to fall enough, pockets of the gases stored beneath the ocean could bubble up as the pressure due to the water above drops below the natural vapor pressure of the liquefied gases. Sudden releases of gases are theoretically possible, and could affect the climate as well.

    4) Salinity is not always uniform in every layer of the ocean. The Mediterranean Sea is an excellent case in point. Higher concentrations of salt at the bottom makes the deepest depths of the sea stable with respect to vertical mixing. That means that the heat trapped in the deepest depths of the Mediterranean tends to stay there longer.

    5) As glaciation sucks the water out of the ocean, sea levels retreat, changing the earth's albedo.

    6) Volcanoes have more difficulty affecting the climate by spewing ash and gases to high altitude when they erupt under water. The ocean covers nearly three quarters of the earth's surface, and most of the volcanoes. The ocean is directly responsible for most of the earth's albedo.

    7) Precipitation provided by the oceans give rise to vegetation, and change the albedo of the land. Transpiration and shade from the vegetation changes the temperature and humidity of the land.

    The above is not comprehensive, but should be comprehensive enough to provide an sense of the complexity involved, and the reasons why good computer models that have been proven do not yet exist.How and why does climate change and how does the ocean participate in and respond to climate change?The ocean is the primary heat sink on the planet. It is the source of most atmospheric moisture. It is the primary absorber of solar radiation.This radiation absorption is modified by the seasonal freezing near the poles - ice reflects most radiation. The ocean is the primary CO2 sink on the planet. Currently it absorbs about 1/2 of the excess CO2 that humanity is putting into the atmosphere by fossil fuel burning. This fossil fuel burning is currently the most important climate changer on the planet - far outweighing any of the non-human variables.

    Our planet could more accurately be called Ocean rather than Earth.
  • going to paint nails
  • acrylic nails gel nails
  • O noes! im i going to be okay with this tampon?? ladies help! please and thank you sosososososo much thank you?

    ok so if youve seen my other questions, im thirteen and on my period and finally convinced my mother to let me wear a tampon, since i hate the pads, plus this week is our swimming unit in PE. so i just put one in for the first time and have thought of a bunch of questions....

    1) i know ur cevix stops the tampon from going into ur uterus and being lost forever (o noes!), but if the tampon keeps touching the cervix is that bad? and if it does would it be normal for it to hurt a little bit?

    2) if you don't insert it far enough wat happens and is it possible for it to fall out?

    3) when going swimming, it is possible for the tampon to absorb water as well as blood? cuz wat if i get in the pool and it fills with water and no more room is left for blood so then it starts leaking and going into the water and everyone laughs at me and says eewww omg freaking out!!!!!

    4) since it is near the end of my week and its pretty light, how often should i change it?

    5) i was kindof nervous while putting it in for the first time, and after i put it in i was kindof sweating a little. its possible that it was from being nervous? or is this some side effect thats telling me i shouldnt wear tampons anymore? cuz i really really dont want toxic shock syndrome....:(

    OK THATS IT!! THANKS! O, and if u have any other advice for me, thats cool too. :DO noes! im i going to be okay with this tampon?? ladies help! please and thank you sosososososo much thank you?1) The tampon won't harm your cervix. I wouldn't expect that you'd have pain from it, maybe a little pressure.

    2) If you don't insert it far enough you'll be uncomfortable, so you'll know to insert it farther. If you don't get it past your pubic bone it will be uncomfortable. It won't fall out.

    3) No. Somehow that doesn't happen.

    4) Not sooner than 4 hours, maybe longer. If you tug the string gently and the tampon doesn't want to move, leave it in longer.

    5) Nerves and sweating--normal!!O noes! im i going to be okay with this tampon?? ladies help! please and thank you sosososososo much thank you?no, the tampon does absolutly nothing to you, just keep changing it every 3 hours to prevent infections. try not to use tampons on the heaviest days of your period (causes yeast infections), the tampon will not fall out, youll just feel really uncomfortable and wont be able to walk. the muscles holding the tampon in place do not let water into your vagina, therefore youll be fine in the water (thats what theyre made for). you were just sweating because you were anxios and nervous, it happens. TSS is a very rare thing, but, you wont get it from sweating. it mostly happens because it stays stuck in (lets say you had one in, forgot, and then put another in pushing the string inside) for more that 2 days.

    hope this helpedO noes! im i going to be okay with this tampon?? ladies help! please and thank you sosososososo much thank you?first of all relax your worrying too much

    and it shouldn't hurt if you put it in the right way

    there is no way it will get %26quot;lost forever%26quot;

    no is will not absorb water because it is inside not sticking out

    it won't leak. if you are worried or have a heavy flow, change it right before swimming

    there are no %26quot;side effects%26quot; from wearing a tampon you are just nervous

    and your blood stops flowing when you are in the water

    the only way you will get toxic shock syndrome is if you leave it in after your period is over or often leave it in for over 12 hoursO noes! im i going to be okay with this tampon?? ladies help! please and thank you sosososososo much thank you?1) your tampon should never hit your cervix, you'd put it up there really far if you got it up there.

    2) If you don't insert it far enough it won't fall out, it will leak more than likely.

    3) no the tampon won't absorb water, just the blood, but you should change your tampon after your class is over for hygene purposes, such as chlorine being in the pool.

    4) you should change your tampon every 4-8 hours regardless.

    5) that was a sign of being nervous. You won't get TSS unless you aren't on your period and the tampon absords all the discharge coming from your vagina. Most tampon brands (at least Tampax I know) has low risk for TSS.

    Don't freak out when you put in tampons.O noes! im i going to be okay with this tampon?? ladies help! please and thank you sosososososo much thank you?1 no its okay if it touches the cervix, and u shouldnt be able to feel it, so if you feel it, and try again.

    2 no, it is inside your body, it cant absorb water really, u will not leak.

    3. u will know if its not far enought

    4 stilll change it at your normal time

    5. you were probly nervous, and just remember to take it out!! you wont get toxic shock syndrome if u remember to take it out every... 3-4-5 hours... right?O noes! im i going to be okay with this tampon?? ladies help! please and thank you sosososososo much thank you?You should not let a natural body function became excuse for not participating in important learning programs.The Body is design to prevent infection if due care is taken. One day you might need to swim to save a life or your own life. If you feel that you have a female teacher that you feel comfortable to talk about personal hygiene, do so. They will be very informative and up to date with the lastest women's health issues. They have to be its part of the job description.

    A little affirmative action math problem?

    Suppose you're working out the policy of admissions for a small, high-powered, very exclusive college. This college is very politically conscious, and carefully screens its incoming class with an eye to make sure it's demographically representative of the population. After filtering out all applications with SAT scores below 2200 (out of a possible 2400), your school is left with 800 qualifying applications.

    A problem has come up, though. When looking at the mandatory %26quot;eye color%26quot; fields of the incoming applications, your admissions office has discovered that 15% of your applicants have indicated that they have lightly colored eyes, while 85% have indicated that they have darkly-colored eyes This is a problem, because the general population from which your college draws has 30% light eyes and 70% dark eyes: the light eyed demographic is severely underrepresented among your applicants.

    So, your school wishes to implement an affirmative action program that makes your student body more representative of the surrounding population: you aim for a pool of accepted applicants that where 30% have lightly colored eyes and 70% have darkly colored eyes, by changing the minimum cutoffs for SAT scores to different levels for light eyed and dark eyed applicants. You want to have the same number of accepted applications (800) as you currently do. So,

    a) What score must the minimum SAT cutoff be lowered to for light-eyed applicants, and what must it be raised to for dark-eyed applicants, to achieve the desired distribution?

    b) After implementing the change, what will be the average SAT score for light-eyed students at your college? What will be the average SAT score of dark-eyed students? (Assume that eye color has no impact on SAT performance in the general population.)

    c) How does this bear relevance on the idea that affirmative action creates truth to stereotypes that did not exist before?

    (i) For the easier version of this problem, assume that the distribution of SAT scores among your applicants is completely even (e.g. pulling an application at random is exactly as likely to produce an SAT score of 1180 as it is one of 2110).

    (ii) For the more realistic version (which will require calculus to complete), assume the distribution of SAT scores among your applicants is modeled by a Gaussian distribution centered at 2100 with a standard deviation of 100.A little affirmative action math problem?Stuff the affirmative action, the best 800 get the places, regardless of their eye colour.A little affirmative action math problem?Are.....are you actually getting us to do your homework? *blink*A little affirmative action math problem?If I'm working out the policy for admissions, my drivers are: following the law, not getting sued, and not wasting the school's money. Eye color is not a protected class. Not a protected class, no law suits. Why would I waste my employer's money on promulgating this policy when there's absolutely no risk-mitigation benefit?A little affirmative action math problem?OK here's a guess. I seem to recall that 65-70% of a Gaussian distribution is within 1 SD of the mean, and 95% is within 2 SD of the mean.

    Since only 15% of light eyed people scored above 2200, you can guestimate the average score to be about 2100. (i.e. around 15% would be above 2200 and around 15% would be under 2000).

    So you need to know confidence interval contains 40% of a Gaussian distribution centred at 2100 and with a SD of 100. Then set the light-eyed standard to the upper end of that interval. I have not taken stats in over 15 years, so I cannot hope to remember. But at one point, this would've been easy.A little affirmative action math problem?20 years ago, this math question would have been right up my alley, lol. Bottom line, accept the most qualified.A little affirmative action math problem?a) surely that depends on the scores people got.

    b) same as %26quot;a%26quot;

    c) um i don't think it would unless the stereotype was that light eyed people were benefitters of affirmative action

    i) ah, this explains %26quot;a%26quot; I still don't know because I don't understand the score system. What is the top mark? oh i see you gave it.

    a) 2000

    b) um i think (2300*70 + 2200* 30) / 100 = whatever

    c) i don't get this part. The fact that they achieved less suggest the stereotype they are stupider is right. Affirmative action just gives them an unfair advantage. Oh no wait, I think I get it, because they will be in a position they shouldn't have been, just like if female doctors were allowed in with less, then the generalisation that female doctors are stupider would be true.

    ii) yeah, um am i allowed to look at my notes. It is not possible that my eye coloured peoples follows such a distribution, as not getting the top marks was obviously a freak accident or something, as we are superior, just like rudolf said.

    Wait, didn't I already passed this module?

    I actually had to google gaussian distribution to find that it was the same thing as normal disrtibution. I should have known cos it was an obvious application. University teaches me to pass tests, not to be useful.A little affirmative action math problem?Austin, shove the affirmative action and the profiling and admit the best possible candidates. No one should be turned down because of someone else's idiosyncrasies.

    How did this happen?????????

    Okay. So I just took a nap that lasted like an hour. I was planning to go swimming when I woke up. When I went to sleep it was bright and sunny without a single cloud in the sky. When I woke up it was raining and storming with lighting, hail, and a tornado warning. I found my little brother curled up beside me cuz he was scared. All the water had been blown out of our pool. How could the weather change that fast??? :/How did this happen?????????It's just the way the weather is. It can be sunny one minute, and the next minute there could be lightning, rain, and thunderHow did this happen?????????This would be a question for mother nature. Sounds like she was pissed.How did this happen?????????Weather moves.Storms can move slow or fast,depending on many factors.How did this happen?????????Are you sure it was just an hour? I mean, that's a pretty sudden change.

    Sounds like a nasty storm rolled in, although I never knew it could happen so fast.How did this happen??????????????????? what do you mean? an hour is enough time for teh weather to changeHow did this happen?????????sometimes weather can change very rapid so all ways watch the weather chanel are your local news. sometimes it can change very

    rapid. glad to here you and your brother are safe.

    What to do, for this not to occur?

    Okay, so i just spent $50 at the salon to get my hair cut and dyed a light blonde. Naturally i am a blonde, i just wanted a lighter color. And normally chlorine has no effect on my hair. Anyways in a few days I'm going to the beach, and typically after swimming in the ocean all day we go swimming in the pool to get the saltwater off, we're usually in maybe an hour or 2. My question is, how long would it take for the chlorine to take effect on my hair, if it was to turn green. My stylist recommended putting conditioner in my hair before going in the pool, but that's a hassle. and i don't want to have to spend $10 more to get the Malibu treatment if it does change color. So my question is, what's the chances of my hair changing? And how long would i have to be in the pool, for the change to occur?What to do, for this not to occur?I have bleached blonde hair as well, and to protect it, I wet it with regular water (like a poolside shower), then run some conditioner through it before I get into the pool.

    The reason why this works is because your hair is naturally porous, and even more so when bleached. Your hair will soak up the clean water, and by the time you get into the chlorine pool, it can't soak up much more. Therefore, less chlorine in your hair. Conditioner creates a kind of %26quot;barrier%26quot; in between your hair and the chlorine water, making it harder for the strands to absorb chemicals.

    I don't really know how long you'd have to be in a pool for your hair to start changing color, though I'd guess the longer time, the more risk of your hair turning green.

    You mention it's a %26quot;hassle%26quot; to put conditioner in your hair beforehand, but if you pick up a $2 bottle of conditioner at a drugstore (it doesn't need to be anything fancy) and toss it in your pool bag, it doesn't take more than a minute to wet and condition your hair.

    And really.... rather safe than sorry! Would you want to mess up your $50 bleach job just because you didn't want to take a small precaution?

    Good luck!

    Trying to change it up for summer... Tips?

    Self explanatory, but summers coming up and I'm looking for new hair ideas and make-up tips.

    For hair, I was looking for cuts, styles, dyes, highlights, two toned, half and half, etc. Whatever your opinion is. I'm going into this with an open mind.

    Make-up... Some %26quot;summer%26quot; colors, and some tips for going to the beach/pool... By that I mean I can walk around and not feel totally self conscious because my make-up's not on. Or recommend some water-proof mascara and how to remove it properly.

    Here's a picture of me so you can have a better idea.;s

    My hair is a little lighter now, my natural hair is wavy, how curly the wavy the waves are depend on the day, and I'm wearing eyeliner and mascara only.

    Thanks :]Trying to change it up for summer... Tips?if you ware foundation , blush and highlighters .. then you should keep your face looking 'Matte' , like in my case all winter i use a bronzer that has a little glitter on the apples of my cheeks , for summer you should cut all the glitter and shine on your face (not including eyes or lips) ..
  • Bed sheets
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  • UV light exposure = skin rash?

    I live in a northern state, so my only exposure to sunlight is in the summertime. My fam has a swimming pool so my siblings and I become very tan by the end of the summer, and I've never had a problem w/ exposure to sunlight before (wear sunscreen etc.)

    Now it's March, so it's still cool here. Our school dance is coming up so my sis and I decided to go tanning a little since we're so fair-skinned.

    The first 2 days in the low-level tanning beds were OK, but as soon as I moved up to the medium bed, I noticed immediate changes... I developed an itchy rash on my stomach, back of my legs, and back. I put on aloe/ petroleum jelly, but they don't seem to help.

    I decided to take a break for a few days but the rash on my back doesn't seem to be going away.

    I want to go back and to the gentle level one tanning, but I'm scared!

    *The rash isn't visible unless I scratch - but it ITCHES!!!

    *It burns and itches at the same time

    *If I scratch at all, the spot becomes red (a rash appears)

    *There are no bumps on my skin, but it gets all red and blotchy

    *When I scratch it feels better for a second, but then the itch comes back worse than before! Aaahhh!!!

    *It feels like there are bugs biting me in the back - it hurts so bad!

    Does anyone know what this is or how to treat it?UV light exposure = skin rash?I think you should wait untill it goes away or see your doctor although I don't think its anything to worry about it should clear up soon.

    Sometimes I get little rashes off the sunbeds but its only sort of a heat rash.

    Think the best thing to do is stay off a little longer and if it don't clear see the doctor n if it does go back on but stay on the lower setting.

    Having Ties to Radical groups of the 60's make you an agent of Change?

    SEDONA, Ariz. — Stepping up the Republican ticket’s attacks on Senator Barack Obama, Gov. Sarah Palin on Saturday seized on a report about Mr. Obama’s relationship with a former 1960s radical to accuse him of “palling around with terrorists.”

    “This is not a man who sees America as you see it, and how I see America,” Ms. Palin, the Republican vice-presidential nominee, said in Colorado, according to a pool report. “We see America as the greatest force for good in this world. If we can be that beacon of light and hope for others who seek freedom and democracy and can live in a country that would allow intolerance in the equal rights that again our military men and women fight for and die for all of us.

    “Our opponent though, is someone who sees America, it seems, as being so imperfect that he’s palling around with terrorists who would target their own country.”

    The article to which she referred, in The New York Times on Saturday, traced Mr. Obama’s sporadic interactions with Bill Ayers, a founder of the Weathermen who later became an education professor in Chicago and worked on education projects there with Mr. Obama, the Democratic nominee for president.

    The article said: “A review of records of the schools project and interviews with a dozen people who know both men, suggest that Mr. Obama, 47, has played down his contacts with Mr. Ayers, 63. But the two men do not appear to have been close. Nor has Mr. Obama ever expressed sympathy for the radical views and actions of Mr. Ayers.”

    Ms. Palin seized on their relationship after the campaign of Senator John McCain, the Republican presidential nominee, said it planned to shift its strategy and try to turn the campaign into a referendum on Mr. Obama.

    “Well, I was reading my copy of today’s New York Times and I was interested to read about Barack’s friends from Chicago,” Ms. Palin said at the fund-raiser in Englewood, Colo. “Turns out one of Barack’s earliest supporters is a man who, according to The New York Times, and they are hardly ever wrong, was a domestic terrorist and part of a group that, quote, launched a campaign of bombings that would target the Pentagon and U.S. Capitol. Wow. These are the same guys who think patriotism is paying higher taxes.”

    The Obama campaign responded by noting that McCain officials had been quoted as saying that they hoped to “turn the page” on the fiscal crisis, which has hurt Mr. McCain’s standing in the polls, and to devote more time to attacking Mr. Obama.

    “Governor Palin’s comments, while offensive, are not surprising, given the McCain campaign’s statement this morning that they would be launching Swift-boat-like attacks in hopes of deflecting attention from the nation’s economic ills,” said Hari Sevugan, an Obama spokesman. “What’s clear is that John McCain and Sarah Palin would rather spend their time tearing down Barack Obama than laying out a plan to build up our economy.”

    Having Ties to Radical groups of the 60%26#039;s make you an agent of Change?LIE: %26quot;My view is that the community organizer was really a sham event. Bill Ayers was testing him.%26quot;(Andy Martin, Hannity%26#039;s America, October 5, 2008, %26quot;Obama and His Friends: History of Radicalism%26quot;)

    TRUTH: Bill Ayers had nothing to do with Obama%26#039;s community organizing job. It%26#039;s pure lunacy to imagine that Ayers was %26quot;testing%26quot; Obama.

    LIE: Obama%26#039;s %26quot;community organizing is a grand scheme perpetuated by none other than William Ayers.%26quot;(Sean Hannity, Hannity%26#039;s America, October 5, 2008, %26quot;Obama and His Friends: History of Radicalism%26quot;)

    TRUTH: Obama%26#039;s community organizing was not a vast conspiracy for revolution devised by Bill Ayers.

    LIE: %26quot;They live half a mile from William Ayers, the unrepentant terrorist%26quot; and %26quot;Just a half a mile from those homes is Louis Farrakhan.%26quot;(Hannity%26#039;s America, October 5, 2008, %26quot;Obama and His Friends: History of Radicalism%26quot;)

    TRUTH: It%26#039;s true, of course, that Obama lives in this same neighborhood, as do tens of thousands of other people who presumably are also guilty by geographical association. The logic of this argument would be, if you live half a mile from a sex offender, then you agree with child molesters.

    LIE: Obama and Ayers %26quot;appeared together at various public would seem that they are more than just a little bit friendly.%26quot;(Sean Hannity, Hannity%26#039;s America, October 5, 2008, %26quot;Obama and His Friends: History of Radicalism%26quot;)

    TRUTH: Appearing on a speaking panel is not a sign of friendship. There is no evidence that Obama had any role in ever inviting Ayers to speak.

    LIE: In 1995, Ayers and Dohrn %26quot;hosted a political coming out party for a young Barack Obama.%26quot;(Sean Hannity, Hannity%26#039;s America, October 5, 2008, %26quot;Obama and His Friends: History of Radicalism%26quot;)

    TRUTH: This was an event for Alice Palmer, not a %26quot;coming-out party%26quot; for Obama. Obama was invited by Palmer to the event.

    But long before tonight%26#039;s Hannity, the right-wing has been spreading a series of lies about Obama and Ayers.

    LIE: %26quot;Bill Ayers is an unrepentant terrorist.%26quot;

    TRUTH: Bill Ayers is not, and apparently never was, a terrorist. The conventional definition of a terrorist is someone who tries to kill innocent people for political purposes. As noted, In fact, nobody died as a result of bombings in which Ayers said he participated as part of the Weather Underground. (

    LIE: %26quot;I%26#039;m sure he%26#039;s very patriotic, but his relationship with Mr. Ayers is open to question....Because, if you%26#039;re going to associate and have as a friend and serve on a board and have a guy kick off your campaign that says he%26#039;s unrepentant, that he wished he%26#039;d bombed more. And then, the worst thing of all, that I think really indicates Senator Obama%26#039;s attitude, is he had the incredible statement that he compared Mr. Ayers, an unrepentant terrorist -- an unrepentant terrorist, with Senator Tom Coburn. Senator Coburn, a physician who goes to Oklahoma on the weekends and brings babies into life.%26#039; (John McCain, April 20, 2008, ABC%26#039;s This Week with George Stephanopoulos)

    TRUTH: Obama was not friends with Ayers. Ayers did not kick off Obama%26#039;s campaign. And Obama was not comparing Ayers%26#039; actions with Coburn. Obama was pointing out that he works with people even when he disagrees with them.

    LIE: %26quot;Obama%26#039;s oldest friend in politics is a murderer and unrepentant terrorist. Why are they friends?%26quot;( email, Sept. 7, 2008)

    TRUTH: Ayers isn%26#039;t Obama%26#039;s oldest friend in politics.

    LIE: Ayers was %26quot;Obama%26#039;s boss.%26quot;(Jerome Corsi, p. 147)

    TRUTH: The chair of a foundation board is not the boss of the members.

    LIE: Jerome Corsi claimed Alice %26quot;Palmer would never have introduced Obama to the Hyde Park political community at the Ayres-Dohrn home unless she saw an affinity between Ayers and Dohrn%26#039;s radical leftist history, her own history of far-leftist politics, and the politics of Barack Obama.%26quot;(p. 137)

    TRUTH: The event wasn%26#039;t held primarily for Obama. It was Palmer%26#039;s own announcement that she would run for Congress. Obama was there as Palmer%26#039;s endorsed successor for her Senate seat, but there%26#039;s no evidence that he had any role in deciding to hold it at Ayers%26#039; home.

    LIE: Jerome Corsi claims about Obama: %26quot;either he did not know Ayers and Dohrn are still radical leftists--in which case he is implausibly naive--or Obama did know, which would confirm he joined with Ayers and Dohrn because Obama too continues to believe, albeit silently and secretly, in the Far Left%26#039;s radical agenda.%26quot;(p. 140)

    TRUTH: Obama probably knew Ayers was a leftist, but he didn%26#039;t care. Obama believes in the notion of a free society, where you work with people you disagree with.

    LIE: %26quot;Even today, Ayers appears to hold the same radical political beliefs he did in the Weather Underground, and Obama had to know that was also the case when he first met Ayers in 1995.%26quot;(Jerome Corsi, p. 147)

    TRUTH: Corsi doesn%26#039;t explain how Obama %26quot;had to know%26quot; Ayers%26#039; views on politics when he first met him. Telepathy? Mind-reading?

    LIE: DavidHaving Ties to Radical groups of the 60%26#039;s make you an agent of Change?Bernardine Dohrn (SDS, Weatherman, Ayers wife) worked at the same Law firm as Obama when as a first year law student he was hired there.

    Later Obama would serve as director of William Ayers baby the Chicago Annenberg Challenge which in turn funded the William Ayers and Mike Klonsky`s (SDS Communist, Progressives for Obama) Small Schools Workshop. Obama and Ayers later served together as board members on the Woods Fund. Woods Fund also became a contributor to Small School Workshops. Carl Davidson (SDS Marxist Socialist) also works for Small Schools Workshop. Carl and Marlyn Katz, (SDS Socialist) introduced Obama to the world in the 2002 anti war rally where Obama delared he was against the War. Katz works on Obama%26#039;s Campaign as Consultant of Public Relations.

    Obama chaired the Annenberg Challenge for three years and served on Woods Fund board for another three years, working closely with Ayers on grants to Chicago schools.

    Ask your self this, would you put a no name young lawyer right out of law school as the Director of your $50 million fund if you didn`t know him well?

    I would say it matters when we have buddies like these. Oh yes and they are only the communists and terrorists.

    William Ayers SDS Weatherman Communist

    Mike Klonsky SDS Communist

    Marilyn Katz SDS Socialist

    Carl Davidson SDS Marxist Socialist

    Bernadene Dohrn SDS Weatherman Communist

    Frank Davis CPUSA

    Tom Hayden SDS CommunistHaving Ties to Radical groups of the 60%26#039;s make you an agent of Change?WTF are you talking about the man was eight years old!

    question for M/PHaving Ties to Radical groups of the 60%26#039;s make you an agent of Change?Well if you mean changing god bless america to what rev. wright prefers %26quot;GOD DA** AMERICA%26quot; then yes. otherwise NOHaving Ties to Radical groups of the 60%26#039;s make you an agent of Change?sure. now, what kind of change?

    i%26#039;ll let you decide.

    EDIT:3 thumbs down? COOL. must%26#039;ve said something right.

    and i didn%26#039;t even try to take sides!Having Ties to Radical groups of the 60%26#039;s make you an agent of Change?Obama is very close with Ayers. He just is hiding this fact and lying about it.

    The facts are very clear. The NYT and the media are ignoring them.

    But just wait...

    heh heh hehHaving Ties to Radical groups of the 60%26#039;s make you an agent of Change?I guess Obama should pick his business associates and in this case friend and neighbor to boot more wisely.Having Ties to Radical groups of the 60%26#039;s make you an agent of Change?When Palin sends her whipped man to answer to the investigation committee or she quit having affairs, and cease bridges to nowhere and shooting wolves and trying to get her teen married off to a boy who don%26#039;t want her and quit abusing power in an effort to make the state trooper stay with her sister and can keep her son under wraps so he doe%26#039;s not get in trouble and have to choose jail or the national guard then and only then can she talk. Until then she is merely bumpN her gums and digging her and Mcsame in the hold further.Having Ties to Radical groups of the 60%26#039;s make you an agent of Change?Sarah Palin is MARRIED to an ex-radical. Care to explain that?……Having Ties to Radical groups of the 60%26#039;s make you an agent of Change?Your last paragraph says it best:

    McCain officials had been quoted as saying that they hoped to “turn the page” on the fiscal crisis, which has hurt Mr. McCain’s standing in the polls, and to DEVOTE MORE TIME TO ATTACKING MR.OBAMA..

    “Governor Palin’s comments, while offensive, are not surprising, given the McCain campaign’s statement this morning that they would be launching Swift-boat-like attacks in hopes of deflecting attention from the nation’s economic ills,” said Hari Sevugan, an Obama spokesman. “What’s clear is that John McCain and Sarah Palin would rather spend their time tearing down Barack Obama than laying out a plan to build up our economy.”Having Ties to Radical groups of the 60%26#039;s make you an agent of Change?I guess it does.

    Kind of a left leaning article, eh?Having Ties to Radical groups of the 60%26#039;s make you an agent of Change?Show me pictures of them vacationing together like McCain and Keating. Where%26#039;s your proof?

    You have nothing, but what they have told you. The man was 8 years guess he was riding shotgun.Having Ties to Radical groups of the 60%26#039;s make you an agent of Change?What ties? U-R-DUM.

    You might have a child molester who lives on your block ... you ran into the guy once at 7-11 when you both were getting a Slurpee ...

    ... does that make you an associate of child molesters?

    You need to squeeze that pimple on top of your neck that you call a head.Having Ties to Radical groups of the 60%26#039;s make you an agent of Change?What about that domestic terrorist in the WHITE house...and all those other domestic terrorists that were called Dixiecrats when i was a kid, but are now called Reagan Democrats.

    And let%26#039;s not forget those terrorists in NYPD blue and their piggy brothers throughout the country.Having Ties to Radical groups of the 60%26#039;s make you an agent of Change?LOL Obama wasn%26#039;t 8 years old boy when he was associated with the Terrorist guy.

    And he keep denying it LOLHaving Ties to Radical groups of the 60%26#039;s make you an agent of Change?McCain is friends with G. Gordon Liddy. This is a man who called for people to shoot and aim for the heads of our ATF Agent in 1994.

    Previous to this was the principle brain behind the Watergate break in.

    As a child was inspired by speeches delivered by Adolf Hitler.Having Ties to Radical groups of the 60%26#039;s make you an agent of Change?You must be kidding...Why so paranoid? Obama was 8 when Ayers did this...palin was in pre-K...These attacks are only making light because mccain is losing! Its a retarded try to take the focus off the bush/mccain ecocomy woes...The press has already looked into these accusations before and it will not change anyones mind...A real stretch of the imagination...Having Ties to Radical groups of the 60%26#039;s make you an agent of Change?Sarah Palin didn%26#039;t even know what the responsibilities of the vice president were, just weeks before she was called on as the nominee.

    Now, I see you must be the same, as you did not hear about the news in this article until lately. Can you please look up Joe Volguer while you are slinging mud ?

    Thanks for listening.Having Ties to Radical groups of the 60%26#039;s make you an agent of Change?Obama is the opposite of change! He%26#039;s more of the same type of politician..............which is a combination of lying and flip flopping!

    Let us NOT forget the facts folks that Barack Obama has worked closely with William Ayers in Chicago. It%26#039;s also been proven that Ayers helped get Obama in the Senate.

    For you who do not know who William Ayers is here is a link:



    Having Ties to Radical groups of the 60%26#039;s make you an agent of Change?This stuff makes me laugh. Honestly, if there were very real and tangible ties between Obama and Ayers, it would concern me. Ayers is clearly not a good American. Do we really know what happened? The way I understand it, back when Obama was getting started in politics, his neighbor (Ayers) threw a fundraiser in his home. Now, if you want to equate that with Obama somehow ratifying crap Ayers did when Obama was a kid, I suppose that%26#039;s your privilege, but I think it%26#039;s ridiculous. Did Obama know about Ayers history at the time of the fundraiser? I don%26#039;t know. The fact that McCain hasn%26#039;t talked about it makes me suspicious that he didn%26#039;t.

    The thing that really leaves me super unimpressed is that McCain chose to not talk about this at all until his numbers started spiraling down the toilet. But, all the sudden it%26#039;s a huge issue? Come on, if you can turn on your computer and type this stuff, you must know better. Don%26#039;t let the spin cloud your judgment.Having Ties to Radical groups of the 60%26#039;s make you an agent of Change?It looks like it%26#039;s back to the McCarthy era. Commies coming out of the wood work. How many did Big Joe find, about 3.Having Ties to Radical groups of the 60%26#039;s make you an agent of Change?You%26#039;d think we were in old Russia the way Obama is being judged and convicted of guilt by association.

    It%26#039;s very chilling.


    hello. im a 15yr old girl and in grade9. in my group of friends,there's alot of pretty i am starting to feel very inferior. it hurts me because there was a time in my life,around a year ago,were i was as gorgues as them,perfect figure,skin ,etc...but in the recent months everything has changed.

    due to a major fight with someone who meant alot to me,i went into a state of depression and couldn't stop eatin JUNK FOOD that made me put on weight TREMENDOUSLY and i developed a nerve habit of pulling out my hair.. my skin is starting to break out due to my unhealthy diet an i have noticed that i am getting serious pigmentation due to my weight. i also have stretch marks on my thighs,arms,behind my knees,breasts and legs are getting alot of scaring from shaving as well.

    anyway,i have decided to change things..because even though my problems with my friend is coming lifestyle isn't. i want to be who i was again. that happy and confident person.

    in around a month,my close friends and i want to plan a pool party..could you please help me with advice on how to improve the following by then?

    1.i want to lose atleast 8-10kgs. im not too worried about those healthy diets..i just want to lose the weight.please's complicated.

    2.stretch marks and can i make them lighter or get rid of them? can i stop pulling out my hair? i try so hard bt i cannot seem to stop!

    4.i really want those athletic toned legs...what can i do to get them? arms are big..i want them to become do i do this?

    6.i need to tone my stomache and do i do this?

    7.what exercises help to lift and tone your bum? y tips on how i can carry myself and change my body language etc? i wanna be one of those girls who are confident and knows she can get any guy she wants and deserves(just recently i fell in love and i feel like i am not good enough so here i am...sitting single while he has a gorgues girlfriend)

    by the abt 1.5m tall and weigh 67kgs...infact i would love to lose more than ultimate goal is 15kgs bt for knw...hehe

    thank your'll so much. i really hope you will help would mean so much.

    take care and God blessI HAVE SO MANY PROBLEMS AND INSECURITIES WITH MY BODY,PLEASE HELP ME WITH THEM..I WANNA CHANGE TO BE BETTER.=)?1. Eat fresh fruit/ unsweetened apple sauce for breakfast. Half a can of low fat soup for lunch. Salad, fresh veggies, lean meat, and seafood for dinner, though veggies should take up more than half your plate. Also, try detox.

    2. Vitamin E oil/ cream.

    3. Think yourself out of it. Keep thinking %26quot;I'll be pretty in a week%26quot; or %26quot;This keeps making me look worse.%26quot; Try wearing a tight rubber band around your wrist and snapping it every time you go to pull at your hair!

    4. Running and hiking. A lot.

    5. Lift weights.

    6/7. Leg lifts and hula hoop for stomach and %26quot;bum.%26quot; For thighs and stomach, bicycles

    8. Guys like confidence. Smile and hold your head up. Keep your hair and nails neat and picture either you and him together or your ideal body.

    But be warned, follow this religiously or it wont work.I HAVE SO MANY PROBLEMS AND INSECURITIES WITH MY BODY,PLEASE HELP ME WITH THEM..I WANNA CHANGE TO BE BETTER.=)?join a gym. and there is no way to really get rid of stretch mark unless laser surgery and those lotion stuff at the store doesnt work and u should every morning for like half an hour and try picking your nails instead of pulling your hairI HAVE SO MANY PROBLEMS AND INSECURITIES WITH MY BODY,PLEASE HELP ME WITH THEM..I WANNA CHANGE TO BE BETTER.=)?EXCERSIZE, EAT FRUITS AND VEGATABLES, NO JUNK FOOD AT ALL.

    Do that for a month or two and you'll get the BEST results.

    And chew gum to stop your hunger.

    Only drink water or fruit smoothies.

    You should get your vitamins too.

    GOODLUCK! :)I HAVE SO MANY PROBLEMS AND INSECURITIES WITH MY BODY,PLEASE HELP ME WITH THEM..I WANNA CHANGE TO BE BETTER.=)?honestly, if you want to do it fast, be bulemic. it really is the fastest way. throw up everything you eat it. really, i lost five pounds in three days. and ive been bulemic for over three years, and now im perfectly healthy, no throat problems like people say or anything.I HAVE SO MANY PROBLEMS AND INSECURITIES WITH MY BODY,PLEASE HELP ME WITH THEM..I WANNA CHANGE TO BE BETTER.=)?the first thing you should know is that you're metabolism is way out of whack right now and anything you do in the direction of %26quot;healthy%26quot; will get you results. Do at least an hr of cardio each day 5 days a week. Go in intervals. So if you're on the elliptical go at a medium pace on resistance 2 for 5 mins then fast at 4 for 5 then alter it back and forth. Make sure you mix it up with the treadmill and other cardio. You can't can't can't just loose weight in one spot. your body doesn't work that way, you can't controll where your fat comes off- the best you can do is get it off. Eat 5 small meals, totaling less than 1800 cals/day. Eat more fiber and start taking a muli vitamin.

    oh and don't listen to chelea. No offence to her but that is sooooooooo stupid, probably the worst thing anyone can suggest. Bulemia is NOT a diet it is a disease you WILL die from this if it starts and does not stop. And believe me, that is a very VERY hard thing to stop. (i'm recovering ednos)

    Hey girls is it a good idea to change your looks from nerd-presentable?(Rate the pictures 1-10!)?

    Alright lets get this started! im re asking this question because i didn't really get my answer that i wanted the last time lol so here i go again.

    Right so about 2 months ago i looked like i came off the streets of some homeless ville, my personality was kinda nerdy-like and i think it still is now, i smelled like crap and i never shaved. One night i looked at myself in the mirror and i realized that i looked bellow average, i weighed 125lbs and it was time for me to change. After getting a lot of advice from my brothers girlfriend and some friends from school, i was able to give myself a really awesome makeover.

    here are some pictures from the beginning of my makeover to how i am now.

    1. At the start..

    2.Take off your glasses!

    3.Nice hair cut but how about you smile? oh and those glasses have got to go....

    4.Wow you straightened your hair!! :)

    5.Ok now your style has got to change...seriously no more T-shirts...

    6.Ooh back up a bit more? but this time make a pose that will attract!

    (nice Rockband by the way XD)

    7. Uhh the perfect makeover from start to finish...priceless in less than 2 months.

    How do i feel about myself now? well i started using perfume and it made me get a lot more confidence, no more worrying about going up to a girl and always being scared about body odas. i also shaved my under arms so i don't feel ashamed to raise my arms in the air to get the ball in the pool. I care about myself a lot more than i use to. I chew gum near the end of day to keep my breath fresh. I eat a lot better than i use to (strong on dairy products to give my hair and nails a lighter and stronger feel). This all sounds gay but you know we gotta do this.. The price to pay? losing my ability to study and spending more time on looks.

    OK so my question is, was it really worth to start looking presentable and letting go the nerd side just for looks? I mean i could change my personality for the worst...Tell me what you think

    NOTE: my weight did not change so girls if you think its your size that makes you look bad? you are completely wrong.

    Fact # 51 guys go after presentable and clean girls, they do NOT go for the hottest girls.

    Oh and rate each picture to show the improvement.Hey girls is it a good idea to change your looks from nerd-presentable?(Rate the pictures 1-10!)?You look great but honestly? You sound ashamed of the fact that you used to look nerdy, and not having confidence in your own personality can kind of pull a window shade on your looks. Just don't lose your awesome personality! That would be a real shame. It seems like to be good looking you have to sacrifice your nerd side, but seriously? It only seems that way. Being fake or not being yourself is much worse.Hey girls is it a good idea to change your looks from nerd-presentable?(Rate the pictures 1-10!)?WOW what a transformation. You're lookin good, sexy! ;)

    But really, its always good to convert to a more presentable look as you get older. The %26quot;nerd%26quot; look is kind of high school-ish. Now you look like you're ready for the real world and college and a good job and whatnot.Hey girls is it a good idea to change your looks from nerd-presentable?(Rate the pictures 1-10!)?Your alright, Your just insecure

    Your like a little girl dancing because her greed has overcome her.

    You are no man, Ignorance is venomous, it murders the soul, ramping out of control.

    Man up *****Hey girls is it a good idea to change your looks from nerd-presentable?(Rate the pictures 1-10!)?Yes, it definitely is worth changing your look to a more appropriate look, but not only does it make you feel better it gives you confidence. You don't just have to look nice, but you should still have enough time to study/etc.

    I'm just gonna rate your end pic so 7.5/10

    Good job with your makeover. :)Hey girls is it a good idea to change your looks from nerd-presentable?(Rate the pictures 1-10!)?if losing your ability to study is the price to pay, i really think u should go back to being nerdy. your looks dont really matter much if your grades are all fails..Hey girls is it a good idea to change your looks from nerd-presentable?(Rate the pictures 1-10!)?wow,you're extremely HOT!!!!!

    And yes,nerdy guys should change their styles,that way they can attract cute,nice girls *cough*like me!*cough*

    :D so dont worry,you're the hottest guy alive!!!!

    10 on all pics!

    you're handsome in any way :)

    Oh and don't let looks distract you from studying and school,do them equally,looks really dont matter,you're future does! But you can still have time for your beautiful looks :)Hey girls is it a good idea to change your looks from nerd-presentable?(Rate the pictures 1-10!)?OHMG ur so hot after ur makeover last pic so Hott!!!! And u look idk so much better

    1st: Uhh...



    4:Your okay

    5: good

    6: Cute

    7: HawwttHey girls is it a good idea to change your looks from nerd-presentable?(Rate the pictures 1-10!)?wow, that is quite a transformation, if it makes you feel better then is was totally worth it, and girls like a confident guy.

    last two pics, 10/10

    :)Hey girls is it a good idea to change your looks from nerd-presentable?(Rate the pictures 1-10!)?pic #7 is the best! good job :)Hey girls is it a good idea to change your looks from nerd-presentable?(Rate the pictures 1-10!)?muucchhhhhhhh better.

    please note that people always criticize my judgement in these 1-10 things so...

    pic1: 1 (hehe...)

    pic2: 1.5

    pic3: 6 (the haircut really helped)

    pic4: 5 (bad angle)

    pic5: 7

    pic6: 8

    pic7: 8.5 (woo!)

    PS (i love rockband!!) would be more accurate judgement if you really SMILED in the better ones ;)Hey girls is it a good idea to change your looks from nerd-presentable?(Rate the pictures 1-10!)?1 uhm 1

    2 - 1

    3- 4

    4 - 3 wasnt a heeps good pic

    5 - 4

    6 - 7

    7 - 9 omg u look so hot now like not even the same person isk maybe even a 10 lol =DHey girls is it a good idea to change your looks from nerd-presentable?(Rate the pictures 1-10!)?damn thasss amazing(:

    and well..if you're still passing in your classes, I would say it's just fine.

    but...if you're beginning to fail..

    I would say to stop worrying about your looks.

    after you get outta school, THEN, you can look as sexy as hell (:

    you seem young and so you have plenty of time to look sexy for the ladies.

    if you're gonna keep your looks, the best way to go up to a girl, is first, think of a good conversation.

    if you go up to a girl with nothing to say, it will be awkward.

    tryy.. Try asking her for directions (: orrr something. dont make it too obvious that you're interested.

    alot of girls like a good mystery(:

    if she doesn't seem interested, then boo. You got turned down once. Not everyone's going to be interested.

    just move on to the next cutie(:Hey girls is it a good idea to change your looks from nerd-presentable?(Rate the pictures 1-10!)?You looked cute before just more of childish.I think number 3 was fine a smart looking nerdy guy is always a plus, but to answer your question was it worth it in the end NO because your sacraficing ur education i mean yes it gave u confidence n thats great Now that ur makeover is done u can get back to studying u cant possibly spend more then an hr getting ready

    Is it OK to change your image for the better? girls answer plz :]?

    OK so a couple of months ago i looked like i lived off the streets for a couple of years, my personality was kinda nerdy-like and i think it still is now, i smelled like crap and i never shaved. One night i looked at myself in the mirror and i realized that i looked bellow average, i weighed 125lbs and it was time for me to change. After getting a lot of advice from my brothers girlfriend and some friends from school, i was able to give myself a really awesome makeover.

    here are some pictures from the beginning of my makeover to how i am now.

    1. At the start..

    2.Take off your glasses!

    3.Nice hair cut but how about you smile? oh and those glasses have got to go....

    4.Wow you straightened your hair!! :)

    5.Ok now your style has got to change...seriously no more T-shirts...

    6.Ooh back up a bit more? but this time make a pose that will attract!

    (nice Rockband by the way XD)

    7. Uhh the perfect makeover from start to finish...priceless in less than 2 months.

    How do i feel about myself now? well i started using perfume and it made me get a lot more confidence, no more worrying about going up to a girl and always being scared about body odas. i also shaved my under arms so i don't feel ashamed to raise my arms in the air to get the ball in the pool. I care about myself a lot more than i use to. I chew gum near the end of day to keep my breath fresh. I eat a lot better than i use to (strong on dairy products to give my hair and nails a lighter and stronger feel). This all sounds gay but you know we gotta do this.. The price to pay? losing my ability to study and spending more time on looks.

    OK so my question is, was it really worth to start looking presentable and letting go the nerd side just for looks? I mean i could change my personality for the worst...Tell me what you think

    NOTE: my weight did not change so girls if you think its your size that makes you look bad? you are completely wrong.

    Fact # 51 guys go after presentable and clean girls, they do NOT go for the hottest girls.

    Oh and rate each picture to show the improvement.Is it OK to change your image for the better? girls answer plz :]?There nothing wrong with changing ur image for good, in fact we all need to do at some point of time.

    If u feel confident abt ur self and u think u are awesome, don't give a $hit abt what others think abt u.

    Dont worry too much abt ur looks, let it go naturally, dont let it affect ur studies, thats the most important thing in ur life, although it may not seem so right now.

    abt rating,i think pic 3 was the best, straightened hair with glasses look sexy and charming.

    U should wear glasses sometimes, they look good on u.)(Is it OK to change your image for the better? girls answer plz :]?i only looked at picture one and seven. and you should totally keep it up :]Is it OK to change your image for the better? girls answer plz :]?damn u look hot as omg ur are sexyIs it OK to change your image for the better? girls answer plz :]?Wow , BIG change! Congrats for going through with it! Ratings :

    1. 1

    2. 2

    3. 2

    4. 5

    6. 8

    7 9Is it OK to change your image for the better? girls answer plz :]?Honestly you were really cute with the wavy hair in the glasses! But you look nice now!Is it OK to change your image for the better? girls answer plz :]?DAMN!!!!!!!!! You did a good job! It is perfectly fine to change yourself for the better. The body is simply the home for the soul, and if changing that home makes life easier, why not? You look really good!Is it OK to change your image for the better? girls answer plz :]?No, now you look and probably are a douche bag if you spend enough time on your looks to make it difficult to do other things. Nobody likes the douche bag, unless you just want to get laid as much as you can with a bunch of sluts and never hold a relationship.
  • school myspace
  • date with a girl
  • Do you think you would swim in this pool in Ukraine?

    OMG So my school is wanting me to go swimming (I'm in Ukraine) and the pool (as I hear) actually has algae growing in the corners, and it's really filthy, and there are HUGE pipes like 5 feet in diameter at the bottom that kids have gotten numerous cuts on. They ACTUALLY advise us to wear flip-flops so the school doesn't get a freaking lawsuit or something. I hear that the changing rooms have freezing cold showers, are poorly lit, and the chairs break instantaneously if you set something as light as a gym bag on them. It's really disgusting.

    *For an idea of what it looks like, think of the movie Saw, how the walls were all grimy, but imagine that submerged in water with colossal pipes at the bottom.Do you think you would swim in this pool in Ukraine?It sounds like who ever told you this is truly pulling your leg, wait till you check out the pool for yourself. All public pools and saunas in Europe, have really strict hygiene rules.Do you think you would swim in this pool in Ukraine?Yeah I went and Ukraine isn't really European.

    Report Abuse

    Do you think you would swim in this pool in Ukraine?Are you an American visiting Ukraine?

    Anyway, I believe what you are saying and what you are being told, based on my experience there.

    Good luck, post some photos.Do you think you would swim in this pool in Ukraine?Check out the pool for yourself before you decide to go or not. If it is as dangerous as it sounds don't go swimming.

    Pool leaking 1.5 inches per day. Water line finally stops at return valves. Now what?!?

    I just bought a house with an in-ground pool and have lived here for 6 months. I am a first time homeowner/poolowner on a tight budget. I noticed the pool level dropped quite frequently. Refilling it was getting expensive and wasteful! It seems to have gotten a little bit worse, or at least, more pronounced, loosing an inch and a half per day. There are two long cracks that looked to have been repaired in the past, near the underwater light housing and the skimmer housing (crack connects between the two). I applied a new application of pool putty just to see if this was the problem. No difference in water loss.

    I used food coloring, around all of these suspect areas. There were times it seemed to move towards certain spots, but no clear indication that there was a direct area sucking in water/food coloring. So I let the water leak out the last few days until it seems to finally have stopped, not at the light which I suspected, but at the return valves!

    So now I feel that the leak is not in the light and skimmer area, but the return valve. This also may be why one return valve, that I now think may be the problem, is kind of noisy as a result of air shooting out of it during pump circulation. So is this the cause for my leak? If so, what do I do now? The patio surrounding the pool is concrete, however the valve in question is closest to the yard, so maybe I could tunnel if need be?

    Are there any preliminary things I can do to fix this? Such as changing the facing part of the return? Or is this most likely the plumbing which I now fear?

    Also, how much would something like this cost to have fixed by a pro? IF this even IS the problem?

    Thanks!Pool leaking 1.5 inches per day. Water line finally stops at return valves. Now what?!?More than likely its a broken pipe between the pump and pool outlets .Turn off the pump and valves. Plug the openings.Usually 1 1/2%26quot; pipe thread after you remove the eyeball fitting.Once thats done let the pool sit overnight.If water level stays the same its the piping.I back pressure the pipes with air and water witch causes a loud rattle at the break.By putting your ear to the cement you%26quot;ll usually hear it. Now drill a small hole in the cement where its the loudest.Might have to drill a few holes but when your over the break water will shoot out of the holes.Now the fun .Break a hole in cement and dig.Afer you find the break you may want to call the pool guy ,they are a pain in the ___.

    What Throwing a Rave in My Backyard.. Need Help Plz?would you like to ask?

    in november its my fiance's 19th bday %26amp; he's into the whole rave scene but i have no idea really what all that %26amp; for his bday im throwing him a surprise party.. its going to be mainly friends %26amp; some family so it'll be a pretty clean party (no drugs or sex) how do i make it a rave theme?? my backyard is pretty big %26amp; we have a pool, Jacuzzi %26amp; slide.. the pool changes colors so that's a start lol my nephew's a DJ n he has all the techno/ raving music but what about decor?? i was thinking of getting black-lights %26amp; putting them around the yard and getting a huge banner and write on it in glow in the dark happy birthday ect. %26amp; getting a s***load of glow-sticks %26amp; stuff.. o ya i have a fog machine.. as for food i was going to either get a taquero (taco guy) or doing panda express (his fav) plz give me ideas %26amp; let me know if any of my ideas sound lame its his 19th %26amp; alot of old guys from his school will be coming and i want it to be really cool for him.. thanksWhat Throwing a Rave in My Backyard.. Need Help Plz?would you like to ask?You're off to a good start by not waiting till the last minute. You can search google and it gives you all kinds of great ideas and sites to shop at. And the good thing is you have time! Throwing a Rave in My Backyard.. Need Help Plz?would you like to ask?If you want a proper rave you will have to include the sex and drugs.

    but if you really dont wanna see about gettin UV and strobe lights very nice

    Throwing a Rave in My Backyard.. Need Help Plz?

    in november its my fiance's 19th bday %26amp; he's into the whole rave scene but i have no idea really what all that %26amp; for his bday im throwing him a surprise party.. its going to be mainly friends %26amp; some family so it'll be a pretty clean party (no drugs or sex) how do i make it a rave theme?? my backyard is pretty big %26amp; we have a pool, Jacuzzi %26amp; slide.. the pool changes colors so that's a start lol my nephew's a DJ n he has all the techno/ raving music but what about decor?? i was thinking of getting black-lights %26amp; putting them around the yard and getting a huge banner and write on it in glow in the dark happy birthday ect. %26amp; getting a s***load of glow-sticks %26amp; stuff.. o ya i have a fog machine.. as for food i was going to either get a taquero (taco guy) or doing panda express (his fav) plz give me ideas %26amp; let me know if any of my ideas sound lame its his 19th %26amp; alot of old guys from his school will be coming and i want it to be really cool for him.. thanksThrowing a Rave in My Backyard.. Need Help Plz?ewww raves grossThrowing a Rave in My Backyard.. Need Help Plz?Not even 19 yet and getting married? That well last ..Throwing a Rave in My Backyard.. Need Help Plz?i love raves.

    yours sounds pretty legit:)

    but since i dont know where you live i think swimming in november would be cold.

    have fun!!