Wednesday, November 24, 2010

How to change a inground pool light?

is it dangeriousHow to change a inground pool light?It is not dangerous. And it is usually fairly easy. Look closely at the metal ring which encases the glass. You will see a screw head, usually at the top. Unfasten this one screw and the entire housing can be pulled out of the niche. The electrical cord is, by law, long enough to allow the whole fixture to lay on the pool deck,whereupon you can figure out the rest. By the way, you should turn the light off, but only because the heat builds-up fast with no water to draw it away.

Also, most screws can be reached from the deck by laying flat to extend your arms down.How to change a inground pool light?the light fixture will rise above the water before you even get to the light it self or any electrical connections so you do not need to drain the pool at all

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How to change a inground pool light?if you take the glass off without draining the pool my guess is yesHow to change a inground pool light?gota drop the water level, below the light, its 12 volt, or had better be or some one will get electricuted, turn the power offHow to change a inground pool light?I would say..

o Drain the pool

o Wait for it to dry, maybe dry it yourself

o wear some rubber gloves or outfit for safety

o Take the glass off

o Dry the inside of the light socket thing out

o dry off the wires or what have you

o change the bulb

o put everything back on/together

o fill pool back up

o give it a while maybe before you swim again...

yea, thats how i would do it!How to change a inground pool light?Yeah what Richard said every pool i have ever owned has a cord long enough to reach the sun deck. Good Lick