Before adding more fish, read this article:
Its kinda long, but this is really important!
For betta care and i think theres some information about betta tank mates look here:
Edit: And who the hell is down thumbing us? Were just answering the question the best we can!How many fish can I add to my tank and when?NEVER add any type of fish to a Betta's tank. They are Chinese Fighting Fish, and will kill anything living in it's water. If you want to put fish in with other fish, please ask the dealer which types go with what. You can have one fish to a gallon, depending what type of fish. Also, ask about what types of things to put in the water. I'd suggest taking out the wood until you find out if it's safe or not. And no, you don't need to take the fish out when you do the water change. Just make sure you know how to do it front to back and inside out before attempting to. Also, it's a good idea to add a lot, emphasis on a lot, of live water plants to the tank (which you can get from most pet/fish stores) as it will help with your fishy's breathing, algae control, etc., etc.How many fish can I add to my tank and when?your tank has to cycle this will take about a month do not change the filter untill well after the cycle has finished
you will need to watch the ammonia and nitrite levels they will increase and then drop back to 0 during the cycle if the ammonia level gets to high it can and will kill the fish try not to do any water changes for the first month and only feed every other day during that time.
oh and anyone that says you can't add other fish with bettas need to go to
they are not the great killer of fish they just don't like their own kind in the tank with them most of the time
once the tank has cycled never ever wash the gravel you use a gravel siphon to clean it and no you do not remove the fish from the tank to clean it
the wood will contenue to tent the water untill it is fully cured for the tank thats why they said to boil it it speeds the process up and the first water changes won't change the tent of the water much either also the wood is lowering your ph level as it cures which is another reasion why we cure it before adding it to our tanksHow many fish can I add to my tank and when?With Bettas, it is best to not have other tankmates. Bettas are naturally solitary fish. (They can be nippy, or even kill) I know you can add a white cloud, a mystery snail, African dwarf frogs, a otocinclus or a cory catfish. In a small space the betta may be more proned to attack (it is already territorial and aggressive), but they may get along great.
As far as housing, the rule I learned is a gallon of water per adult inch of fish for tropical %26amp; 2 gallon per inch for goldfish. (Betta, 1.5'', gallon and a half of water + otocinclus, 1.5'', gallon and a half of water. That would be 3 gallons.)
Hope I helped. : )How many fish can I add to my tank and when?pfffff
20% water changes every 5 days...
1 betta fish max.....
he may like acave aswell..
sounds like an okay home just for him.How many fish can I add to my tank and when?welcome to the fishie world. try to keep in mind that smaller does not mean easier. You really shouldnt add anything especialy right away since your bio filter hasnt established itself. But even when it does, adding fish will throw it off quickly, wihich often leaves your pet to a porcelan grave. I wouldnt even change your filter for a while. Just rinse it with water from your partial change. It will keep your bio filter alive. I like to do several small water changes instead of big spread out ones as well. You can get small pieces of driftwood with live aquatic plants in them, which your little betta will absolutely love you for, and if you can get them, live blood worms are a heaven sent little morsel of goodness for the little guy. Bettas can be kept with other fish, but wont be truly happy in a 3 gal. tank. Guppies and other small fish are often fin nippers, and will destroy his fins. Ive kept them in a 50 gal. tank with guppies, and even though it worked out ok, my betta hid out 95% of the time