Friday, June 3, 2011

Will this excercise routine make me bulky?

I am a 18 year old girl. i have always been pretty active but now with university i dont do any sports so i have started going to the gym. i go the pool for 40 mins in the morning and gym on the treadmill or eliptical for an hour at night. Im not fat but i want to be thin and lean and not get bulky--- i dont mean weight lifter bulky but ...athlete girl bulky... you know what i mean. Is this routine going to do that? i also do 15 minutes of strectch after each of course and i was thinking about adding in light weights for 10 minutes or so before swimming... would that be okay? let me know what you think and if i should kep this routine or how i can change it to suit my needs


my diet is the following:

Breakfast: cereal or toast with an egg and fruit with a glass of milk.

Lunch: some sort of sandwitch (usually peanut butter or turkey)

supper: salade with tofu and light dressing with lots of veggies

I drink three 591 mL water bottles a day

snacks include a muffin and an apple and orange per day

is this too much?

will It make me bulky?

how should i change it if i should?

THANKS!! :)Will this excercise routine make me bulky?No you will not get bulky! you can even lift weights and not get bulky. Most women cannot gain muscle like men can and the women who do either eat alot of food/take many supplements or take drugs.

Your workout seems more geared towards stamina so again bulky is probably the last thing that will happen to you. More like a long a lean look.Will this excercise routine make me bulky?As far as slimming down you definately need to incorporate weight training because it burns the most fat. For best results interval train, for example do 3 sets of 8 with weights then go hit the treadmill for 2-3 minutes then back to the weights and so on. This keeps your metabolism higher than cardio alone.

On your meal plan it looks good, just be sure to eat protein at each meal it makes you feel fuller longer. And if your diet includes carbs be sure to eat the majority of your carbs for breakfast, that way your body can break them down while going threw everyday activities.

Hope this helps.Will this excercise routine make me bulky?perfect.. and no you wont get bulky.. just sexy and pretty
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