Friday, June 3, 2011

If Global Warming is real then explain this?

The polar caps on Mars are melting faster than our arctic ice.

The ice moons of Saturn are now pools of liquid water

There are freak hurricanes at the poles on Saturn

Something has increased the reflective light we see from Venus by 40%

Even pluto has seen an increased surface activity and atmospheric change over the last decade and Pluto is as far as you can get

No - if you ask me the Sun is increasing it's output and effecting all planets and not just the Earth

Man has not been around long enough to experience real planetary change from solar cycles and that cycle is what we are heading in to.

The facts are there, it how you manipulate those finding through ignorance that fools the masses.

Why haven't they mentioned the changes on the other planets

Why do they want these changes to be exclusively for Earth and Earth alone

What is the real agenda - a carbon tax because the Sun is heating up!

I am not buying in to it or paying it!

Kiss my behind GoreIf Global Warming is real then explain this?All very true statements. I would like to see us end our reliance on foreign oil, but I do dislike the idea that some idiot is trying to dupe me into believing that all the %26quot;ills of the world%26quot; are somehow our fault. This mentality is the disease of the narcissists.If Global Warming is real then explain this?I agree with you...but there is one point that many people don't take into account and forget about. It is Earths magnetic pull which is changing also...the poles have changed in the past and it is doing it right now. It is 12/21/2012 which is supposedly %26quot;D%26quot; day where the planets align in such a way with the sun and the gravitational pull drastically changes.If Global Warming is real then explain this?its all very simple

WE%26quot;RE ****** DOOMEDIf Global Warming is real then explain this?What is happening is earth is very much evident and we can do a lot of experiments...on other planet we hold a lot of assumption......

Green house effect has been proven......u just cant take the risk of submerging land massesIf Global Warming is real then explain this?Never looked at it like that, good point.If Global Warming is real then explain this?I agree global warming the biggest load of bull to hit this planet. It's just a money making scam.If Global Warming is real then explain this?Something is going on. Is it part of a natural cycle or manmade? Who knows. Crichton's %26quot;State of Fear%26quot; was good on this topic.If Global Warming is real then explain this?i have been around long enough to know that the sky used to be blue and so did the ocean. now theyre light brown and dark brown respectively. this alone tells me there is a problem.If Global Warming is real then explain this?You obviously know more about this than me. But I don't buy into it either. On the news they said that we haven't seen such high heats for so long since the 50's. And that's when it hit me: Well if it happened in the 50's, there sure wasn't talk about Global Warming back then. So I think there has to be another geological reason for this happening, and it's a natural cycle. This could explain it. Maybe the sun for some reason increases its output in some kind of cycle or we are orbiting differently and closer to the sun. But I think society will hype anything up to make a sale. For all we know these hybrid cars are cheaper to make and they're selling them for more just to make a huge profit off of us dumb Americans. They way I see it is I'm going to be dead by the time stuff gets too drastic anyway so why change my ways now?If Global Warming is real then explain this?Scientists have considered this, and proven solar radiation is not the main cause of global warming.

Most of the planets are not warming. The NASA scientists who did the work on Mars, say Mars warming is due to huge dust storms, unique to Mars.

Solar radiation is measured constantly. It cannot possibly be enough to explain the present warming, only about 10% of it.

More proof that it's (mostly) not the Sun here:

Did you actually think climatologists were not aware of this information, or didn't consider it? Come on.

Good websites for more info:

%26quot;climate science from climate scientists%26quot;If Global Warming is real then explain this?%26lt;%26lt;Something has increased the reflective light we see from Venus by 40%%26gt;%26gt;

%26lt;%26lt;Even pluto has seen an increased surface activity and atmospheric change over the last decade%26gt;%26gt;

source? just makin' it all up !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!If Global Warming is real then explain this?If you look more closely at the reports about the different solar bodies you mentioned you'll find that in each case there's a unique explanation. You'll also find that the sun is not a factor in any of them.

Further, your information is incorrect. For instance you state in the first sentence that the polar caps on Mars are melting faster than our Arctic ice. That's actually wrong, the south polar ice cap on Mars is thought the be metling whereas the north polar ice cap is expanding - one is more or less cancelling out the other. We don't know how much the south polar ice cap is melting by because it's not made of water but frozen carbon dioxide so it's not really melting at all but subliming.

In previous answers I've gone through each and every body in the solar system that might be warming and have provided accurate explanations. I won't go through each one here unless you request it.

You talk about heading into a solar cycle - which one or ones would that be then?

You also state the Sun is increasing it's output - where does that information come from? Certainly not from anyone with any knowledge of the sun who will tell you that output has been consistent for the last 30 years.

We measure with extreme accuracy the output from the sun, the accuracy being to six decimal places. If there's one thing we can safely say is not the cause of global warming here or on any other solar body it's the sun.

Incidentally, the only other body that's experiencing global warming is Pluto and that's because in the last 14 years atmospheric pressure has tripled. Again, nothing to do with the sun and not remotely related to what's happening here on Earth.

One more thing - more solar bodies are cooling than are warming, why's that?If Global Warming is real then explain this?Solar output has been decreasing over the last few years. That is accord with expectation from long term observation of solar cycles and also has been measured. Those are stone facts. Global average temperatures however have been rising. That is a stone fact. If the Earth was following the solar cycle it would be cooling.

The carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere has increased from about 300ppm by volume in 1965 to just over 380ppm now. I spent the late 1970s and the 1980s analysing air and gas mixtures. I saw atmospheric carbon dioxide rise from 320ppm in 1976-77 through 345ppm in the 1980s to a peak of 360ppm in 1989. One of these measurements was confirmed by another laboratory, another by then current published values. Those are stone facts.

Carbon dioxide is an effective absorbent of solar infrared radiation and more importantly, long-wave infra red radiation from the ground and sea. Those are stone facts.

Global warming from accumulation of carbon dioxide was predicted in 1896. I heard about it in 1977 or '78. I have a %26quot;New Scientist%26quot; magazine from 1989 with two articles on global warming in it. Those are stone facts.

Coal production in Queensland, Australia was just a few million tons per year in 1965. By 1990 it was around 90 million tons per year and has increased since. Production in many other parts of the world has also increased. This coal is not put in a heap and admired. Over the same period, cars on British roads have more than quadrupled and so has the distance driven by British drivers. Much the same can be said for most other countries in Europe and elsewhere.

Al Gore's granddaddy might have been around in 1896, but dear old Al wasn't. I have not seen Mr. Gore's Power Point presentation. Mr. Gore did not invent the idea of global warming because he is a %26quot;liberal%26quot;. Those are stone facts.

The issue has to do with chemistry and physics, not politics.

Edit - In one of your links (The Scientific American one) the scientist who doubts global warming says that solar irradiance began to decline in 1990 and will reach a minimum in 2040. This does not appear to be correlated with sunspot activity. If irradiance is falling, Earth temperature should be falling too, but it is rising.If Global Warming is real then explain this?ok if you dont believe that global warming exsists then i am sorry but you obviously are not looking to what is around you of course mars's ice caps are melting if you knew anything about science you would understand why and yes man has been around long enough to do damage we have been here for billions of years which is if you did not know a very long time. Did YOU know that the earths ocean line is increasing so much that in about 50 years the ocean would be 1 foot higher which takes off i think about 50 feet off of the beach do you know how much that is??? i dont think you do since you are to ignorant to see what is right in front of your faceIf Global Warming is real then explain this?So you think what happens on planets millions of miles away tells you anything about conditions on Earth?

Better run along. You'll be late for your astrology reading! LOLIf Global Warming is real then explain this?MARS -- Global Warming is real then explain this?I'm not going to research those cosmic claims, because I can answer this question definitively anyway. Global water temperatures have been rising by about a degree. Now calculate the size of the ocean (71% of Earth's surface) and you get an astronomical amount of solar heat necessary to cause such a change (pun not intended) a rise that just hasn't happened.If Global Warming is real then explain this?That would make me feel better I hate people who think our pollution is having no effect it is insanity but I have never heard anything of this? Other planets really that is interesting

maybe the angle of are planets are changing that is totally possible I have no answer for that it is not in are control

but we should not pollute are planet we need all the clean water and air we can get even if the solar system is changing.If Global Warming is real then explain this?earth's polarity is changes periodically. each time this happens earth's magnetism weakens. the earth's magnetic field protects us from solar fayer. but this time the magnetic field is giving away. that's your reason. i hope you are satisfied